Girl wearing jewelry
Addicted to Stone Jewelry!
We love RockCandy so much we have a party 🤩

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How the Party Works

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Girls wearing jewelry

When & Where

Girl wearing jewelry

How Does it Work?

Woman next to manican wearing jewelry
The Artist Behind RockCandy Leatherworks

Meet Shannon Marie

As an artist, I'm helping the world shine, one piece of jewelry at a time! For over 12 years through RockCandy, I've created thousands of unique pieces of jewelry, and still love the possibility for the pieces that lay ahead.

Woman making jewelry
  • RockCandy Collections

    Life is full of meaning & purpose so are the stones used in our handmade collection.

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  • RockCandy Handbags

    Want to commission one of a kind RockCandy personalized just for you?

RockCandy Leatherworks on NBC6

Painted wall

One of a Kind, Handmade Jewelry